1. Do I love it?
2. Do I have a real plan for this?
3. Am I taking proper care of this?
If I answered no to any of these questions, I let it go. Goodwill, re-homed or trashed.
4. Can I obtain this again?
If the answer was yes, then I let it go.
... here are a couple mantras
1. I'm not poor, I can buy this again.
2. Make room for better things.
... and while I'm at it, here are a few questions I ask myself when deciding if I should buy something collectible
1. Will this improve my collection?
If I answer yes, then I may buy it.
2. Is this the focus of my collection?
3. Will I be able to care for this properly?
If I answer no, then I need to move on.
4. Am I buying this just to buy something?
If I answer yes, then I need to get out of that store. Especially at Tuesday Morning lol
Hope this helps you.